
There are plenty of options for mutual understanding and common actions.

An immediate option is my service for biographies of private persons as well as for firms and institutions, in particular entrepreneurs and scientists. Current examples are a text for the hundred-year anniversary of the baker's shop Maelzer, as well as my support of Thomas Kaemmel during the conceptualisation, search and finalising of the biography of the crystal researcher and mathematician Arthur Schoenflies, with both a German and English text. I helped establish a biography for an architect, a teacher, an artist, an engineer and others. I listen to people, and note what comes to their mind, while looking at former experiences. Then I write a draft, and in due mutual understanding a biography text emerges.

In German, there is a forum planned for open discussion, especially regarding my future fiction texts, and my tools as forwarded for own social experiences of my readers. English discussion contributions are welcome any time, for instance regarding themes like these:

Watch my Ass-sorted Limericks, and join in: How about standards and variations for limericks? I did watch as important some effective and sensitive rules for rhythm. I did pinpoint this issue. You as reader are invited to comment and further explore and expand the rules of limericks.

Emotional Bills” shall be a tool for those, who have experienced an emotional powerful impact, either positive or negative, and want to send a clear emotional message to the person who had caused it in the first place. It is to the point and conciliatory at the same time. There is a German handbook “How to write an EMO”, see an English outline at Emotional Bills, and a standard short form EMO you can carry along and fill out within seconds as stress may arise with a nervous bus driver, a pushy seller, an exorbitant insurance agent. A similar reaction is possible after enjoyable impacts, so the EMO has been extended to WiDuMi (as you did to me, now much the same I react to you, in English still named EMO), see the all encompassing all EMO form.

Ass-sorted Limericks

Emotional Bills

EMO Form