
Overall about a quarter of my professional publications have been in English, including two books regarding technology innovation (see bold letters). Since 2000 fiction is prevailing, and there are some English fiction texts, even poems, yet not published. See examples for nonfiction and fiction at own texts.

Among the English publications, main issues have been:

1) 1964 - 1980 the dangers of atomic warfare, on staff with director Carl-Friedrich von Weizsäcker (at two instututes)

2) 1980 - 1986 the transition to information society, while I was at Science Centre Berlin.

3) 1962 - 2008 Technology and innovation, mainly during time on staff at VDI/VDE-IT 1986-2000, and then for projects at IFIAT institute until 2008.

Furthermore I wrote various business plans, USPs, applications for funding etc. for firms with technical innovations.

List of English publications

Do Child Survivors in Germany Enjoy Justice, Respect and Peace, both officially and among the wider public? (10 p.); see: with further reports, editor in charge Phil. Sonntag in 2016, conference of  World Federation of Jewish Child Survivors of the Holocaust and Descendants (WFJCSH&D, ) report 2015

Child Survivors in Germany between Challenge and Provocation, (ed. CSD Child Survivors Deutschland e.V.), 55 p. For  conference of WFJCSH&D of Child Survivors, 2014 in Berlin.

Activities of Child Survivors Germany film on DVD; Text and moderation by Ph. Sonntag, music by Karsten Troyke, video by Uwe Meinel, Berlin (2014)

German Sensitivity for Justice, Respect and Peace. Item of basic discussion at 26th conference of  Child Survivors, August  24. bis 27. in Berlin. Siehe

German Sensitivity for Justice, Respect and Peace. At „Publikationen“ on the homepage von Child Survivors Deutschland, in connection with „2014 Berlin Conference of the World Federation of Jewish Child Survivors of the Holocaust & Descendants”

Anti-Semitism in Germany - a Permanent Challenge. Contribution at WFJCSH conference  August 21st  2011 in Warschau,
Kurzfassung as published in in: Mishpocha - A Link among Survivors around the World, Spring 2012; page 6 and 7 

Military Historical Museum of the Bundeswehr (German Federal Armed Forces) in Dresden, Germany. At: The International Network of Museums for Peace (INMP), (2011).  Kontakt via Yamane Kazuyo since meeting 1985 in Hiroshima on lonmg-term impact of radiation on victims. Find article at, my report about the  Museum; see also for MHM

Museums for Peace in Berlin
. In: Japanese Network of Museums for Peace; 2006, Muse 9, Japan

I do assist writing of biographies, this includes for instance:
Thomas Kaemmel : Arthur Schoenflies - Mathematician and Crystal Research Pioneer, and More Than Three Hundred Years of Our Family History. Berlin 2005, 160 p.

We Miss the Naturalness of Our Life - Report of 10th Meeting of the Child Survivors Germany, from March 29 to April 3 2005, in Berlin-Schwanenwerder. In: The Hidden Child, 9/2005

2001 - 2006 in the field of technology and innovation my editorial service had been established and provided about 100 English and German internet presentations, most of them are for commercial offers of microsystems and MEMS, at portal of VDI/VDE-IT, see

AGV - Autonomously Guided Vehicles” and “FTS- Fahrerlose Transportsysteme”,  offers of FTS Fördertechnik Sonntag GmbH, (until 2006).

IFIAT project 2: Marketing of own wirestretcher, in English and German

Telematic Tools in mutual support. In: Voting, Rating, Annotation - Web4Groups, Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft, R. Oldenbourg Verlag, 1997, P. 267 - 276

4001/1998/502 Multilingual Options for ADVISER; ADVISER II Doc Ref.

Jan Grunwald und Ph. Sonntag: A few decisive issues are essential for industrial use of RTD results. In: ADVISER II (Research Project in the “Telematics for Research” sector of the European Fourth Framework Telematics Application Programme (DGXIII), final report, 2/2000

Jan Grunwald und Ph. Sonntag: A few decisive issues are essential for industrial use of RTD results. In:  ADVISER II (Telematic project of  DGIII/EU), final report, 11/1999

Multilingual Options for ADVISER; ADVISER II Doc Ref. 4001/1998/502, EU Brussels

Economic Warfare and Global Consolidation - Japanese MST as a worldwide phenomenon. In: MST news - Special issue Japan, VDI/VDE-IT 5/1997, S. 68 - 70

ADVISER (Telematic project of  DGIII/EU: Added Value Information Services on European Research Results): RTD presentations and their impact on industrial use. 8/1996

Eschenbach, Rüdiger, Oliver Pfirrmann und Philipp Sonntag: Modernisation through Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems: Public Programs and Industrial Immovation in Germany. In: Sensor 956; 5/1995

Hi Care (Humanibility Assessment). 15th Anniversary of FAST, 11/1993

Evaluation of SPRINT (CEC:Commission of the European Communities) - Action on Transnational Networks of Interfirm Technology Cooperation: Country Report Denmark, 12 S.; dto: Country Report Germany, 15 S. und dto: Reports on Networks, 27 S., 8/1992

Synthesis report for VALUE, CEC Brussels: Evaluation of the Industrial Exploitation of 12 ESPRIT projects in the fields Microelectronics, Software and Basic Research.

Ulrich Brasche und Philipp Sonntag: Intelligent Sensors Technology, Applications and European Markets. VDE Verlag, Berlin/Offenbach 1989. 128 p.

Heinrich Revermann and Philipp Sonntag: Keytechnologies - Industrial Transition in Turbulence. In: FAST (Forecasting and Assesment in Science and Technology)
Series. EC - Commission, Brussels, 5/1987. 153 S.

Angelika Brinkmann und Philipp Sonntag: How to control  the qualitative armsrace? Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists,  9/1986.

Peter Otto and Philipp Sonntag: The Progressive Transition to an Information-Rich Society. Veröffentlichungsreihe des Internationalen Instituts für Vergleichende Gesellschaftsforschung, Wissenschaftszentrum, Berlin, IIVG/dp 82-113, August 1982, 25 S.

The Trigger-Prone Nuclear Society. In: Nuclear War in Europe (eds.: Tromp, H.W. and G.R. La Rocquie), Groningen University Press 1982, S.115-136

Holub, H.W., Reich, U.-P., und Sonntag, Ph.: Labor-Consumtion Accounting (LCA) A Suggestion from a Household-Oriented National Accounting System; in: Quality and Quantity, 15 (1981), Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam. 111-123.

Deutsch, K.W. und Sonntag, Ph.: From the Industrial Society to the Information Society - Crisis of Transition in Society, Poiitics and Culture. Publication

Series of the International Institute for Comparative Social Research, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, dp IIVG. 81-113.

Human Preparedness to Prevent or Survive Atomic Catastrophies. In: Baumann und Metreveli (Hrsg.): Katastrophen- und Unfallforschung‚ Perimed-Fachbuch,
Reihe: Notfallmedizin (1980).

European Hopes and Fears for Arms Control. A Message about Nervous Partners.  Int. Inst. für vergleichende Gesellschaftsforschung, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, IIVG pre 80-113.

The attempt to have atomic bombs and to be sane. Paper presented in Hiroshima at  the International Symposion on damage and after-effects of atomic bombing on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. July 1977, 15 S.

Afheldt, Horst; Sonntag, Philipp: Stability and deterrence through strategic nuclear arms. In: Journal of Peace Research. 1973, 3: Spec. issue: Peace Research in the Federal Republic of Germany. S. 245-250.

Afheldt, Horst und Sonntag, Philipp: Stability and strategic nuclear arms. New York/N.Y.:  World Order Models Project - Occasional Papers 1. World Law Fund 1971. 85 p.